Contacting Honest Cuisine
If you want to submit an article for publication on Honest Cuisine, use our submission form below. If you want to get in touch with us for any other reason, just .
Submitting articles
Honest Cuisine is an open journal, meaning that we accept contributions of writing for publication from anybody. The only restriction on articles considered for publication is that they be well written and focus on food within the context of Honest Cuisine. The only remuneration we offer is whatever visceral satisfaction you may gain from having what you wrote published on someone else's site. You retain all copyrights to whatever you submit, granting us only the right to publish all or part of your submission on the Honest Cuisine web site. We also reserve the right to not publish anything you may send us.
Submission Guidelines
We're working on a style sheet, but for right now we'd appreciate it if you'd provide your stuff in plain text, or html with the only the most basic of mark-up (<p>, <a>, <strong>, <em>, <ul>/<li>, <h1...3> only). If you are using html and have a recipe in your article, please mark up the ingredients with list (<ul>/<li>) tags. Articles can be anywhere between 500 and 1000 words. The ideal article has a clear opinion and expresses it in away that says "I think this is important" rather than "I think this will impress you" which seems to be the goal of most "professional" food writing these days.
Submission Form
Ha ha, fooled you! We don't have a submission form yet. Until I get one up and running, please send your writing to us via e-mail addressed to . You can include your submission in the body of the e-mail or as an attachment.